Bulge? Disc Protrusion? Slipped Disc? What’s the difference?
By Craig | Osteopathy
The vertebrae are the building blocks of the spine. In the lumbar region, there are 5 large vertebrae (named L1-5 in descending order). The primary function of the lumbar vertebrae is to bear the weight of the entire trunk whilst providing a moveable support structure and to protect the spinal cord. Located between the body […]
The Myths & Truths behind Myofascial Cupping Therapy
By Craig | Osteopathy
Cupping has been popularised in recent times by celebrities showing off distinctive circular marks on their torsos. Starting with Gwyneth Paltrow, it seems to have become a celebrity fashion accessory with the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham and Justin Bieber following suit and deliberately showing these marks off in public. But what exactly are […]
Walked every street in your 5km radius?
By Craig | Osteopathy
With the majority of Melbournians walking more to be able to see family and friends in their 5km zone, here are some simple ways to help alleviate any tightness from the increased mileage. Hip flexor stretch Feeling tight in the front of your hips and legs? Kneel on you right knee Place your left foot […]
A Pain in the Neck?
By Craig | Osteopathy
Some causes of neck pain and how an osteopath can help. Neck Strain Causes The majority of people that consult an Osteopath present with neck pain that is usually caused by a strain. The cardinal sign of a strain is typically pain. Similarly to lower back pain, it is often a result of many factors […]